... and not all of them good! I give kudos to the City of Apache Junction Economic Development Department for making their part of our move as smooth as possible. I wish I could have done the same for the phone and security companies. Today - we are finally getting the final component of the security system installed! We're still working out bugs in the cooling and electrical system - we've got 4 outlets along the counter in the kitchen and NONE of them work. AND, if we run the coffee pot and the microwave at the same time, it blows a circuit that not only shuts the kitchen down, it also kills juice to the computer, cash register, and credit card machine. That is NOT a good thing! We've gotten a TON of help and we're gradually getting things straightened out.
We moved into our new store on June 1 and spent most of the first 2 weeks getting unpacked and organized. We were sort of open for business, though my standard "line" to customers was, "If you can find it, I'll sell it to you!" It worked out well - they found enough to pay the electric bill!
Come on by and say "hi" - we've always got the coffee pot on! We've got lots of fun things planned for this fall and winter.